Global Talent

The Global Talent visa is the ‘gold standard’ of work-based visa routes, previously called the Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) visa. It is designed for highly skilled individuals wishing to live and work in the UK who can show they have the potential to be leaders, or are already leaders, in their field. It can provide an accelerated route to settlement and provides unique flexibility.

The Global Talent visa is available to those who are at the top of their profession and have been endorsed as a recognised leader (exceptional talent), or as an emerging leader (exceptional promise) in one of the following fields:

  • Academia or research (engineering, medicine, social sciences, humanities)
  • Arts and culture
  • Digital technology

You can also apply for the visa if you have won an eligible prize or on the basis of an academic or research appointment, individual fellowship or UKRI endorsed-funder grant.

Benefits of the Global Talent visa:

  • You can choose how long your visa is for, up to five years
  • Your partner and children can join you as your dependents
  • You can explore career options more freely; you do not need a job offer, you can be an employee, self-employed or start a business and change job without telling the Home Office
  • There is no initial minimum salary requirement
  • There is no English language requirement
  • The Global Talent route can sometimes provide a ‘fast-track’ route to settlement in the UK in three years instead of the usual five years
  • You can combine time spent on other routes towards settlement, including Skilled Worker

The Global Talent route is a two-stage process. The first step is to apply for an endorsement from one of the Home Office-approved endorsing bodies. The second step is to apply for the visa.

The Stage 1 endorsement application is submitted to the endorsing body for your specialist field:

Academia and Research







The Royal Society

The Royal Society

The Royal Academy of Engineering

The British Academy

Digital Technology

Tech Nation

Arts and Culture

Combined arts, dance literature, music theatre or visual arts

Fashion design


Film and television


Arts Council England


British Fashion Council

Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)

Producers Alliance for Cinema and Television (PACT)

Award winner (fast-track)



UKRI (fast-track)

Academic or research appointment

Individual fellowship

Endorsed funder

Peer review (non-fast track)


If your application for endorsement is successful, the second stage is to apply for the visa or permission to enter or remain in the UK as a person of Global Talent.

Visa holders are eligible to settle in three years instead of five years if they are endorsed as a Leader in any field, or if they are endorsed as a Potential Leader or Leader in science, engineering, humanities or medicine. The UKRI fast-track also provides a faster route to settlement in three years instead of the usual five. Family members must still complete five years. 

We have extensive experience with both the endorsement and visa process, followed by successful applications for Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK.

Get in touch with our team for more information:


  • Natalia Facco
    • Contact

      • 01865 406002
      • View vcard
  • Alex Piletska
    • Contact

      • 01865 406043
      • View vcard
  • Caroline Sykes
    • Contact

      • View vcard
  • Philip Turpin
    • Contact

      • 01865 406053
      • View vcard